5 Reasons You Should Get Your Home Tested for Asbestos

· 6 min read
5 Reasons You Should Get Your Home Tested for Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral that was used in many household and building materials, including fireproofing and insulation. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can lead to serious health problems, such as cancer and lung diseases. The good news is that you can avoid these harmful effects by hiring a professional asbestos testing company. Here are five reasons why you should get your home tested for asbestos:

1. Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs) can be dangerous if disturbed.

If you think your home might contain ACMs, it's important to know that disturbing them can be dangerous. Although asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, it was once used in the United States as an insulation material. Asbestos-containing materials are still found in homes built before 1990 because they were often used in construction materials such as insulation and floor tiles. They can also be found in ceiling tiles, drywall, acoustical plaster and other building materials.

If you plan on renovating or remodeling your home—or if you're unsure whether there are ACMs present—it's best to have a professional inspection done by someone who knows what they're looking for. A certified inspector will use air monitoring equipment to test for asbestos fibers (the most dangerous type) before starting any project that may disturb the materials containing those fibers.

2. Health problems related to asbestos exposure range from mild to severe and sometimes even fatal.

Asbestos-related diseases are often not diagnosed until many years after exposure, and they can be fatal. In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. are caused by asbestos exposure. Some examples of asbestos-related diseases include:

  • Mesothelioma : This cancer forms in the mesothelium (the tissue that covers most internal organs), often due to prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers
  • Asbestosis : A condition characterized by lung scarring caused by long term exposure to asbestos dust or fibers (asbestos-induced pulmonary fibrosis)

3. Diseases or health conditions related to asbestos exposure occur after many years of contact with the ACMs, so a test now can make a huge difference later on.

If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, the effects can be long lasting and serious. Asbestos-related diseases are common and often not diagnosed until many years after exposure.

Symptoms of asbestos poisoning include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chronic cough
  • Chest pain or tightness

If you show any of these signs or symptoms, it is important that you seek help from your family doctor immediately.

4. Many homes built before 1990 were built with some amount of asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in many building materials since the late 1800s. It was used as an insulator, fireproofing material, and even as a backing for vinyl floor tiles. Asbestos was also found in paint and in insulation around furnace ducts.

Because asbestos is so versatile (and inexpensive), many homes built before 1990 have some amount of asbestos in them—even if they were built after bans on its use went into effect in the 1970s. Asbestos-containing products are still present throughout many older buildings today because they don't deteriorate over time and can be easily replaced with other materials that don't meet modern health standards anyway (i.e., lead paint). That means if you own or rent an old house, there's a good chance it contains asbestos somewhere—and knowing where it's located will help you take care of your home while living there safely!

5. Even if you are planning on selling your home soon, it's smart to get it tested for asbestos.

Even if you are planning on selling your home soon, it's smart to get it tested for asbestos. Why? Because even though the asbestos is technically in the building materials, it can still be airborne.

It's important to know if there is asbestos in your home before you sell it. Why? Because if there is any asbestos in the house, then potential buyers will have to pay for an inspection and remediation before purchasing a property that contains hazardous materials like this one does (or did).

If you don't test for asbestos, then it might not show up on physical inspection of the walls or ceilings inside of your home because those surfaces may not contain visible traces yet (depending on how long ago they were installed). However, that doesn't mean that they aren't there! And even if they weren't installed recently enough - say 20 years ago - then there could still be hazardous levels lurking beneath whatever's covering them now...

There are many reasons why you should take action and hire an asbestos testing company.

If you are like me, you want to do what is best for your family. You also want to do what is right by the environment and society as a whole. In order to protect both of these things, it's important that your home be asbestos-free. Asbestos testing companies can help with this process so that you can sleep easy at night knowing that no one in your home will be exposed to harmful materials.

With an asbestos test, you'll know whether or not there are asbestos fibers present in any part of your home or building. A professional test will give you peace of mind and ensure that everyone who enters the space has been properly protected from the dangers associated with exposure to asbestos products—namely mesothelioma cancer (a type of lung cancer caused by inhaling asbestos).


If you would like to get your home tested for asbestos, there are many companies that can help with this process. A few of these include: National Testing Laboratories, National Environmental Services and Consulting Group (NESCG), and ALLAB Environmental. Each company has been in business for many years and has experience in asbestos testing. If you are looking for an expert opinion on whether or not your home has ACMs present in it, it's best if you hire one of these companies to come out and perform a thorough inspection before doing anything else!

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